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Reading Logs

The AVR-IoT Cellular library outputs log messages through USB. Two methods to access these logs are:

  1. The browser-based Microchip Serial Terminal (Requires Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Opera)
  2. MPLAB Data Visualizer

Method 1: Browser Serial Terminal

Unsupported Browser
Your browser does not support the online serial terminal. Supported browsers are Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Opera.

Method 2: MPLAB Data Visualizer

  1. Connect the board to the computer through USB and open the MPLAB Data Visualizer
  2. Select the AVR-IoT Cellular Serial Port (It should be highlighted in blue)
  3. Enter 115200 as the baud rate in the bottom left
  4. Click the "Play" Icon for the COM Port
  5. Selec the COM port as the source in the bottom right
  6. Logs should start streaming in the Terminal window